Ken Nightingale - My story of recovery from ME/CFS and how I intend on staying healthy.

Ken Nightingale©

My story of recovery from ME/CFS
and how I intend on staying healthy.




My diet is based on information contained in the following books.  I found the first 5 books to be of significant value.  Portions of most of these books can be read online at  Use their search tool to find the book.


Renew Your Life: Improved Digestion and Detoxification,
by Brenda Watson, N.D., C.T.,
180 pages; Renew Life Press (July 1, 2002).


The Cure For All Diseases,
by Hulda Regehr Clark,
420 pages; New Century Press (January, 1995).
Partially available here.
Fully available here (pdf, 7 MB download).


The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health,
by Robert O. Young, Ph.D. and Shelley Redford Young,
320 pages; Warner Books; (May 2002).


Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill: The Complete Guide to Fats, Oils, Cholesterol and Human Health,
by Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.,
456 pages; Alive Books; Revised and Updated edition (January 1, 1999).


8 Weeks to Optimum Health,
by Andrew Weil, M.D.,
288 pages; Fawcett Books; Reissue edition (July 1998).


Beyond the 120 Year Diet : How to Double Your Vital Years,
by Roy L. Walford, M.D.,
430 pages; Four Walls Eight Windows; 2nd edition (July 2000)


Eat Right for Your Type,
by Peter J. D'Adamo, N.D. and Catherine Whitney
392 pages; Putnam Pub Group; (1996)


The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough,
by William G. Crook, M.D.,
464 pages; Vintage Books; (October 1986)


The Ayurvedic Cookbook,
by Amadea Morningstar and Urmila Desai,
351 pages; Lotus Press; 1 edition (January 1, 1990)


Free to fly : a journey toward wellness,
by Judit Rajhathy, R.N.C.P., D.Ac.,
330 pages; New World Pub.; (1999)


Living to 100: Lessons in Living to Your Maximum Potential at Any Age
by Thomas T. Perls, M.D., M.P.H. and Margery Hutter Silver, Ed.D.,
272 pages; Basic Books; (January 2000)


Your Body's Many Cries for Water,
by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D.,
182 pages; Global Health Solutions; 2nd edition (June 1995)


Prevent Treat and Reverse Diabetes (Natural Health Guide),
by C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D.,
64 pages; Alive Books; (April 2002)





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